Flowers for Friends

Contact: Eileen Killenberger & Anne Marie Lauzon

Scheduled Meetings: Mondays at 9:30 a.m. in the Family Center kitchen

Mission Statement: To share flowers from week-end Masses and funerals with friends located in senior facilities.

Current Activities: Remove flowers from altars, re-arrange them and deliver to local facilities on the Island and in Bluffton.  This group gathers on Mondays at 9:30 am at the Family Center kitchen to dismantle and re-arrange any flowers left on the altar after the weekend. The new arrangements are then delivered to several senior residences, including the Life Care Center, Carolina House, Indigo Pines and Palm Meadows. Since August 2003, the group has assembled and delivered thousands of arrangements to these residences.

Current Volunteer Opportunities: Currently we are fully staffed with volunteers.

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