Adult Education

Contact: Jennifer McGlynn

Mission Statement: The Adult Education staff and volunteers offer additional support opportunities for adults in faith formation and spirituality through scripture studies, teachings of the Church, faith recollection days and retreats. Parish needs are identified to the parish staff – Priests, Deacons, Pastoral Associate or Director of Religious Education – so that facilitators and/or teams may be appointed. The needs of Adult Education are also met through other ministries such as Becoming Catholic and Faith Alive

Current Activities: Adult Education functions include:

  • Assistance in coordination of the annual Diocesan Fire at the Beach Conference

  •  Maintenance of a parish resource library (books, DVDs, CDs, etc)

  •  Providing faith formation opportunities for catechists that is also open to all adults in our faith community• Filling other parish educational needs as identified

Resource Requirements: Are you or your small group looking for books, videos, or CDs?  We now have resources available by appointment.  Please use the form below to request an appointment.


Adult Education


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