Finance Council

Contact: Bart Bubnell

Scheduled Meetings: Third Tuesday of the month at 3:00pm

Mission Statement:  The primary mission of the Finance Council is to assist the pastor in the responsible planning and administration of all parish financial matters, to set parish financial policy, and to provide effective management of parish assets. In the performance of its duties, the Council will adhere to appropriate diocesan fiscal policy and norms as stated in Canon Law 527. The most significant of these duties are as follows:

  • Participate in the preparation of a sound budgeting process.
    • Review operating statements and all financial activities on a monthly basis.
    • Formulate and manage a facilities maintenance program.
    • Establish and maintain a system of internal controls for proper handling of cash.
    • Maintain a liaison with the school, the Thrift Shop and other parish ministries.
    • Provide for sufficient cash reserves.
    • Develop plans for investment of assets.
    • Develop plans for payment of parish debt.
    • Coordinate the areas of parish stewardship and development.
    • Review and approve the quarterly financial report prior to submission to the Diocese.
    • Prepare and present the annual financial report to the parish at large.
    • Maintain an accurate inventory of the parish’s movable contents.

Current Ministry Activities: General oversight of all Parish finances as outlined above.

Current Volunteer Opportunities: Council members are assigned by the pastor as required and normally serve a term of 3 years.

 Click here to view the Finance Council Member Guidelines

Safe Environment Requirements:  All Members of the Finance Council must complete a Background Screening Form (Credit included).  Forms are located on the Safe Environment webpage. 

Members of the Finance Council:

  • Bart Bubnell – Chairperson
  • Jim Loughlin
  • Joe McGovern
  • Dan Merkel
  • Mike Prince

To contact the Finance Council, enter the information below.


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