Altar Servers
Contact: Colleen Rzeczycki
Mission Statement: The vocation of Altar Server is to assist the Priest and Deacon at Holy Mass and at other liturgical celebrations (weddings, benediction, vespers, etc.) This ministry is for young people who have received First Holy Communion. Schedules are sent out on a quarterly basis and training is provided on an “as needed” basis.
Current Activities: The Altar Server function is a very important and honored role. In assisting the Priest or Deacon, the Altar Server is, in a very special way, helping to offer the sacrifice of the Mass. This includes several tasks such as cross bearer, candle bearer and incense bearer. On special occasions, such as the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Bishop is assisted by Altar Servers, which is a very special honor.
Altar Server Training Date: If you are interested in having your child join this important ministry, please use the form below.
Current Volunteer Opportunities: Normally, an Altar Server will be scheduled to serve at least once or twice per month (depending upon the number of servers available). However, they must be willing to serve if and when they arrive at Mass and there is a need for them to fill in.
Training Session - If you would like to have your child trained to be an altar server, please feel free to fill out the form below and submit it to us. We will then contact you about a training time. We thank you all for your service to our Parish Community!
To Access your current online schedule, please click on the link below: