Confirmation Preparation


Confirmation May 2023

Contact: Jenny Zmarzly - Youth Leader

Ministry Mission StatementTo create life-long disciples of Christ who actively live their Catholic faith.

Our Small Youth Group Program at St. Francis aims to prepare middle and high school students to be life-long disciples of Jesus Christ.  Teens will encounter the Lord through learning more about being Catholic, taking on more responsibililty in their homes and parish community, and actively participating in their faith.  Sacrament Preparation (Confirmation, First Communion) will take place during these small group sessions.

Session Options:

  • Tuesday evening - 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. - Dinner provided
  • Sunday morning - 10:15 - 11:45 a.m. - Morning snack provide

The process of preparation for Confirmation takes place over a two-year period, beginning in the seventh grade. Our preparation process includes religious education in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church, scripture and tradition, Church history, stewardship, retreats, candidate interviews with the pastor, and individual assignments. A key element in preparation is helping a young person to determine the importance and relevance of the specific teaching to the Church and their life.

Stewardship activities, specifically sharing of time and talent, help the individual to explore and discover what areas of community involvement are significant to their spiritual life. They gain an awareness of the gifts and talents they possess and their ability to share them with others.

Please click here to access our "Frequently Asked Questions" about Confirmation.  If you need any additional information, please feel free to use the form below to contact us.

For more information on how to register your child, please click on this link.

Confirmation Date for 2025:  Monday, June 2nd - 6 p.m. - St. Francis Catholic Church


Registration Form

Confirmation Frequently Asked Questions

Small Youth Group Calendar

Confirmation Requirement Information

Candidates Covenant

Certificate Information

Stewardship Opportunities

Sponsor Certification

Saint Project

Diocese of Charleston Parent/Guardian Permission and Liability Waiver


For more Sacramental Photos of previous years, please click on this link.

Confirmation Preparation


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