Becoming Catholic


Contact: Jennifer McGlynn

Scheduled Meetings: Family Center – Sunday Mornings at 10:15 a.m. (See below for a full calendar)

Ministry Mission: The Pastoral Associate, the Priests, Deacons, Lay Leaders and Director of Religious Education provide instruction on the Catholic faith to individuals seeking to learn more about the Catholic faith and to those who are looking for full communion with the Church. It is a program of inquiry and instruction leading to initiation into the Catholic Church with celebration of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.  Baptized Catholics who have not had the opportunity to celebrate Confirmation and/or First Communion are also welcome.

For adults interested in becoming Catholic or for adult Catholics who wish to prepare to celebrate the Sacraments of Confirmation or Eucharist, please contact Jennifer McGlynn by clicking on the form below or you may call her at 843-681-6350, Ext. 266.  Becoming Catholic program is a path to becoming Catholic, and we typically meet every week during the school year to make that journey together.

If you have questions about God and the Church but don't know if you are ready to become Catholic, we are happy to hear from you and try to answer any questions you may have!

Some of the things we will discuss:

  • How do we know what God wants?
  • What does it mean to say Jesus is both God and man?
  • Did Jesus want a visible Church?
  • Why do we need sacraments?
  • If we have the Bible, why do we need Church?
  • How can we pray & maintain a good relationship with God?
  • What are saint, and why do we need them?
  • Why do Catholics care so much about Mary?

The Book of Elect

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the Church’s ritual process that calls adults to a conversion of mind and heart, preparing them for full active life in the church. The unbaptized are called catechumens. Those that are baptized are called candidates. This year in our parish we have 7 catechumens and 2 candidates. At the Rite of Election the catechumens were called forward by name. The Bishop asked the godparents and the assembly if they found the catechumens ready for the initiation. Our catechumens’ and candidates’ names are inscribed in the Book of the Elect, which is now displayed on the Baptismal. As the catechumens, now elect, along with our candidates, continue their final journey, toward the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil, they need the prayers and support of our parish community. As baptized Christians and members of this parish community, keep our elect and candidates in your prayers throughout this Lenten season. May we, the baptized, be models for the elect of the Christian life to which they aspire.

Becoming Catholic Calendar

Becoming Catholic Program Overview

Becoming Catholic Registration Form

Please click here to access more photos

Becoming Catholic TESTAMONIALS

"Good Morning, Sister Kathleen,

I miss you, Connie, and all my fellow candidates and miss coming to RCIA on Wednesday evenings. Thank you so much for the effort and caring you put into making that class so beneficial and for really wanting to help all of us learn more about our faith.  Easter Vigil and my confirmation was truly one of the best experiences of my life. I will never forget that experience. I'm so glad to have had Gerry and Jean as my sponsors there supporting me all the way, and Rainey has also come to be a friend and supporter.

 I wondered if you have access to the "official" photo of all of us who were baptised and confirmed? I saw the print in the church, and it is wonderful. It's much better than any of my photos, and I'd like to have a copy of the image (digital) if possible.

God bless you, Sister. I'll see you at church.

Warm regards,


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