Our Ministries & Organizations
Our Ministries and Organizations are grouped by category and are listed below with a brief description.
The items in the Prayer category provide teaching on the importance of prayer in our daily lives and aid the growth of our faith.
- Centering Prayer Group - Uses contemplative prayer techniques to spiritually enrich the individual and the parish community.
- Eucharistic Adoration - Ministry members spend time in the Adoration Chapel in prayer and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
- Prayer Chain - Leaders of this ministry receive prayer requests from the community and pass them to other ministry members.
The items in the Liturgical category actively participate at Mass and provide service to the community.
- Altar Servers - Assist the Priest and Deacon at Holy Mass and at other liturgical celebrations.
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - Assist the Ordinary Ministers at Holy Mass through the distribution of Holy Communion.
- Lectors - Proclaim the word of God to the congregation.
- Music Ministries - Provide the music, which is an integral part of today's liturgy.
- Sacristans - Facilitate by making all the preparation for the Mass as well as the cleanup after in advance of the next service.
- Ushers - Provide the seating assistance, offertory collections, bulletin distribution and other functions necessary at Mass.
The items in the Liturgical Support category provide functions prior to the actual services that facilitate and enhance the service
- Altar Linens - Cares for the linens used at all Masses.
- Extraordinary Ministers to the Sick - Serve by bringing Holy Communion to Catholics who are unable to attend Mass.
- Fellowship Weekend -
- Funeral Servers - Assists in preparing the church (and Columbarium, if needed) for the Mass of Christian Burial.
- Greeters - Personally welcome all those who attend the weekend Masses.
- Wedding Preparation Team - Helps with the setup for the wedding ceremony, and assist the participants as needed.
The items in the Christian Formation category offer ongoing catechesis and faith formation for all parishioners.
- Adult Education - The Director of Religious Education offers support for adults in faith formation and spirituality.
- Baptism Preparation - Classes are conducted to help parents take part in their child's Baptism.
- Bible Study - Scripture studies are augmented by study guides, video presentations and group discussion.
- Confirmation Preparation - Provides information about the two year preparation period for this sacrament.
- First Reconciliation – First Holy Communion - Provides information about the preparation required for these sacraments.
- Marriage Preparation- Wedding Guidelines - Helps engaged couples prepare spiritually for Marriage.
- RCIA - Provides instruction on the Catholic faith to individuals wishing to convert.
- Religious Education - Provides information on our program for children who do not attend a Catholic school.
- Secular Franciscan Order - A canonically established order for the laity to live in imitation of St. Francis of Assisi.
- Young Adult - Information to help young adults with their faith (post high school, single professional, newly married and new parent).
- Youth Ministry - Information on all of the activities available for our youth.
The items in the Stewardship category allow parishioners to learn about opportunities to offer their gifts of treasure, time and talent to the parish.
- Collections Ministry - Counts all the monies from the weekend Mass collections, report the totals and turn over all proceeds to the Parish Administrator.
- Ministry Fair - A presentation by all of the Ministries / Organizations held to introduce others to the functions they perform for the parish.
- Parish Picnic - An annual gathering of the parish family for food, fun, festivities and fraternity.
- Vocations Awareness - Works to provide an atmosphere in the parish in which all eligible people may carefully consider a religious vocation as a possible calling for themselves.
The items in the Evangelization category deal with spreading the Gospel, by word and example, calling ourselves and others to conversion by explicit invitation and by the witness of our Christian lives
- Kairos Prison Ministry - Offers to prison residents, their families, and those who work with them, the opportunity to receive God’s forgiveness through faith.
- Parish Ecumenical Representative - Initiates and supports activities within our parish for the promotion of full, visible unity among Christians and cooperation among religions.
- Respect Life - Attempts to bring awareness within the parish to the value of human life from conception to nature death.
- Welcome Home Ministry - A program for Catholics who are thinking about returning to the Church. Its objective is to reunite inactive Catholics to the church.
The items in the Community Service category promote, support and nurture the Christian community and offer humble service.
- Bereavement Support - Offers a place for those who have lost a loved one in the past year to reconcile the loss and move forward.
- Knights of Columbus - A Catholic fraternal organization of men dedicated to the principals of Charity, Fraternity, Unity and Patriotism.
- Ministerio Hispano - A listing of the Hispanic organizations at St. Francis by the Sea (lista en Espanol).
- St. Francis Thrift Shop - The Thrift Shop provides support to the community, St. Francis Catholic School and the Parish.
- Women of St. Francis - WOSF was formed to promote the spirit of unity, and to foster the spiritual, cultural, educational, social and service oriented life of the parish.
The items in the Outreach category reach out to others and act as ambassadors of justice, charity and peace.
- Flowers for Friends - Shares the flowers from week-end Masses and funerals with friends located in senior facilities.
- Friendly Visiting - Reach out with a visit to parishioners who reside in independent, assisted living or skilled nursing facilities
- Prayer Shawl Ministry - Ministry members create hand made prayer shawls for distribution in the community.
- Sharing Thy Bounty - A program that distributes donated food items to those in need.
- St. Francis Outreach - Aids individuals in need, by sharing vouchers for food, temporary lodging, clothing and furniture.