St. Francis Outreach

Contact: St. Francis Outreach Ministry

(843) 681-2112

Contact:  Mary Ann Bell

St. Francis Outreach Ministry

Acting as ambassadors of charity, hope, and respect

About Us:

Saint Francis Outreach (SFO) works to follow Christ's example of helping our neighbors who find themselves in need of emergency assistance.  We serve people living or working on Hilton Head Island by helping with rent, utility, and other bills.  We can also provide clothing and furniture vouchers for the Saint Francis Thrift Shop.

We are funded by St. Francis by the Sea Catholic Church, as part of the Church's charitable community outreach.  We operate with approximately 25 volunteers.

We partner with the Deep Well Project, Holy Family Catholic Church's St. Vincent DePaul Society, First Presbyterian Church, and other agencies when the need is greater than we can meet alone.  We also direct people to the numerous local food pantries and agencies and provide food cards to those in immediate need.

How We Work:

SFO can be reach by phone and email Monday through Friday, and in person on Tuesday from 10 a.m. until noon at our office.  Once assistance is approved, funds are sent directly to the landlord, utility company, or other creditor.  There is a limited amount of funding provided per household per year.

Volunteer Opportunities:  Additional volunteers are always needed and welcomed.  Interested St. Francis parishioners may contact us at the phone number or email address above.

Resource Requirements: The parish funds SFO at a level determined by the Finance Council. During the past fiscal year, the ministry has helped over 150 families and individuals in our community.

To contact St. Francis Outreach, enter the information below.


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