St. Francis Catholic School
A catholic school education is available for children at these facilities:
St Francis Catholic School
28 Years of Growing Together in Faith and Knowledge
Pre-K through grade 8
Contact: Principal, Andrea Smith – 843-681-6501 x222
St. Francis Catholic School is Looking for Substitute Teachers!
The school is looking for substitutes for the next school year. Please contact Andrea Smith if you are interested.
St. Francis Catholic School on Hilton Head Island, SC, supports the Hilton Head/Bluffton communities in the Diocese of Charleston, SC. This includes the parishes of St. Francis by the Sea and Holy Family.
St. Francis Catholic School’s mission is to nurture its students’ spiritual and intellectual growth in an authentically Catholic community committed to academic excellence.
St. Francis Catholic School’s Values:
- We value faith formation.
- We value quality academics.
- We value community.
- We value a nurturing and disciplined environment.
- We value a variety of opportunities and enrichment activities for our students.
St. Francis Catholic School's Objectives:
In order to implement our mission we strive:
- To help children grow and mature in their faith-life through participation in the sacramental life of the Church.
- To teach authentic Catholic doctrine in accordance with the Magisterium of the Church.
- To provide each student with a solid academic background, using the best available teaching methods, materials, and technology.
- To encourage each student to become self-disciplined through a consistent, fair, and structured environment.
- To help each child to develop intellectually in order to meet the demands of society and to make valid choices based on truth.
- To instill in each child a concern and awareness for the oppressed and needy, motivating him/her to action and service.
Our hope is that every graduate of St. Francis Catholic School is a person of FAITH, INTEGRITY, and SCHOLARSHIP.
St. Francis Catholic School Advisory Council
Reverend Michael Oenbrink - Pastor - St. Francis by the Sea
Father Christopher Loester - Pastor - Holy Family Catholic Church
Andrea Smith - Principal - St. Francis Catholic School
Connie Killeen - Facilitator
Eleanor Bell - (Representative for Thrift Shop)
Bertha Camposano - (Member)
Don Creamer - (Member)
Thom Hill - (Member)
Lois McCue - (Representative for the Women of St. Francis)
Jim Platt - (Member)
Mandy White - (Member)
Alan Wolf, Jr. (Member)
St. Francis by the Sea Catholic School Academic Calendar - 2024-2025
St. Francis by the Sea Faculty Email and Extension List
St. Francis by the Sea Catholic School Admissions Policy
St. Francis by the Sea Catholic School New Student Application
St. Francis by the Sea Catholic School Parent and Student Handbook
St. Francis Catholic School's Newsletter - The Weekly Howl
St. Francis by the Sea Athletic Physical Form
St. Francis by the Sea Athletic Sign Up Form
St. Francis by the Sea Athletic Sponsorship Form
St. Francis FSA Webpage
St. Francis Catholic School Annual Report - 2023-2024
Did You Know . . .
That St. Francis Catholic School has a used uniform closet? We have a wide selection of new and gently used articles of clothing for Pre-K through Eighth Grade. These items are all donated back to the school and are free for any family/child who wants them. Before you buy new uniforms, please come check out what we have in stock. Or if you have any uniforms that do not fit your child anymore, please bring them to the school office to be offered to someone else.